Two suspects who had conned an individual Ksh72, 000 have been arrested by Directorate of Criminal Investigation officers based in Githurai. Ethan Mwangi and Isaiah Otieno had pretended to be container sellers and managed to defraud someone before getting caught. On Sunday, DCI shared the arrest through social media. The suspects were arrested within Huruma Estate in Nairobi.
“Two suspects who had represented themselves as genuine 20 Feet container sellers and hence defrauded an individual Ksh72, 000 have been arrested by DCI detectives based at Githuai Kimbo,” DCI Kenya.
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Moreover, the two men were found in possession of stolen Identity cards and forged documents which they used to con unsuspecting Kenyans.
“The two; Ethan Mwangi and Isaiah Otieno were arrested within Huruma Estate in Nairobi. They were found in possession of ID cards belonging to other individuals. They were also found with forged documents including bill of landing and delivery documents in the name of Hakika Transporters. Moreover, the suspects had assorted SIM cards. They also had various mobile phones which they had been using to execute their ill missions. The suspects are in lawful custody and will be charged accordingly,” DCI said.
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