I’m yet to understand why many people are complaining and surprised at how Zack Kinuthia replaced Prof. Collete Suda at Jogoo House in Tuesday’s reshuffle by President Uhuru Kenyatta
Every time President Kenyatta made appointments or changes, we would shout ourselves hoarse ranting on his penchant to appoint nonagenarians such as Moody Awori. This time round, he did listen to you and identified Zachary Kinuthia Mugure as the CAS, Ministry of Education.
In the Jubilee’s way of thinking, Zack was the most visible nay, capable young person for that appointment. No one should be surprised. Zack has since 2013 over-invested in his efforts to support the Jubilee Party. Zack’s wardrobe must be having at least 100 red t-shirts and shirts.
From March 9, 2018, Zack again made a decision to side with the Jubilee faction in the government. He has never wavered in his support for the President and his disdain for the Jubilee government in opposition led by the plant ecologist, one Dr William Ruto. Surely, such a trajectory formed the perfect “cocktail” for consumption by State House operatives and the President himself.
Everyone who supports the BBI section of the government should heartily congratulate Kinuthia and welcome his appointment. He was the most hardworking and consistent sycophant to ever stand with the President for that long and in recent times. For the endless campaign caravans, tens of media talk shows attended and millions of ‘long reads’ written on Facebook, Zack outdid all other sycophants to attract the eye of the President, his handlers and power brokers.
The people telling us that we are jealous of making reference to sycophancy as the key KPI in Zack’s appointment should furnish us with the latest definition of sycophancy from Merriam Webster.