Donor countries will not give more aid to Somalia due to its defiance to cooperate with the United Nations.
The Horn of Africa country is accused of refusal to work with a UN Panel of Experts.
This emerged during a US Security Session on October 25.
France representative Antoine Michon said it was unacceptable that Somalia’s federal government refuses to assist the UN panel that oversees an embargo on arms shipments into the country.
“Without a change of attitude on the part of the Somali authorities, we could be forced to reconsider our position regarding the significant support the international community has been providing to Somalia for many years,” Michon said.
Michon is a political coordinator at the French mission to the UN.
And briefing the 15-member Council, Marc Pecsteen de Buytswerve (Belgium), the chair of the Security Council Committee said Somalia is on a positive trajectory with key achievements on the political, economic, humanitarian and security fronts.
The Chair went on to warn that the ongoing stand-off between the Federal Government of Somalia and the federal member states has peace and security implications, explaining that the arms embargo imposed on Somalia has largely prevented entry into the country of heavier weapons that ultimately find their way into the hands of Al-Shabaab and other armed actors.